
Zero written by Robin J Lyons tells the story of Eddie (Dean Gregory) and Helen (Rosemary Terry) and how their father’s suicide impacted their lives. The scene is set at the very beginning; Eddie and Helen meet at the bridge their father jumped off to scatter his ashes. However, it soon becomes clear that the characters have dealt with their grief in very different ways.

Unfortunately there are many loopholes in the plot. A lot of things are touched upon in the play, but never explained in great detail. It was never explained why their dad took his own life. The climax of the play (which I won’t divulge) also came as a complete shock to me, as it was never hinted at in the play. Some may say that is a good thing, but for me there needs to be at least a subtle inkling that this may happen. Therefore, I struggled to connect with this play and feel any emotion for the characters.

There were some nice moments in the play, namely the more comical elements when the siblings tease each other about their love lives. However, there were occasions when the acting wasn’t believable at all. For example, when Eddie asks Helen to climb over the bridge and look down, Terry’s reaction lacked restraint - she was panting like she had just given birth to a 10 pound baby! Helen also had a nice monologue about how she had to deal with her mother after her father’s death; however I didn’t feel that Terry made an emotional connection with what she was saying.

There are moments in this production that were quite good, but sadly I doubt this play will be one I will remember.

Zero plays at the Eagle Inn, Salford until 31st March.

Reviewer: Kevin O’Brien

Reviewed: 23rd March 2016

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