The Fast Show was a BBC show structured on character sketches performed by various actors. Tonight, the Fast Show star, Simon Day revives four of the shows much-loved characters.
Simon Day opens the show and introduces himself as Billy Bleach. Dressed in a significant style of an unwashed polo shirt, tracksuit bottoms and a tousle-mopped, ginger wig.
Billy Bleach is a know it all who is due to retire soon having never been employed and still lives with his mother in South East London. Billy explains how this is his first time speaking with the public since being in rehab for gambling and constant overt sexist remarks in the pub.
I can see why this character starred in a stand-alone series on BBC Three as it was hilarious and a perfect opener.
Between Simon’s character change, the lights dimmed and a projector lit up the theatre. It was a 5-minute poem called ‘England’ from the Fast Shows character Geoffrey Allerton. Geoffrey, a confirmed bachelor and unpublished Yorkshire poet enters the stage with a book of his poetry collection ‘Marking Time’. Geoffrey was hilarious to say the least; his one liners were impeccable!
Tony took to the stage explaining how he was locked up for attacking people…for laughing! Tony Beckton, a habitual criminal who has served over 30 years in various prisons across the country. This led us as audience members to laugh even more. Tony explains some awful activities he has done but somehow in such a comical way, it led us to fall in love with a criminal!
Rocker and a humanitarian, Brian Pern, former front man of the 1970’s progressive rock group ‘Thotch’ followed and came out with a song and a slideshow of some of his experiences in Africa. One of Brian’s songs was dedicated to the death of a bee which although is heart breaking – it was hilarious!
Another of Pern’s songs was dedicated to his father which was full of quotes his father taught him throughout his life which was original yet hilarious.
All characters were completely diverse from one another yet they were all as memorable as the one before. The show was typical dry British humour. The projection on the screen between the character changes was an integral part as it saves introduction, Simon goes straight into character seamlessly.
Simon's representation of all four characters was remarkable and effortless. His mannerisms for each role were unforced, honest and natural to each person. Simon’s minimal interaction with the audience was perfect which defines a true comedian in my eyes!
Reviewer: Heather Errington
Reviewed: 8th October
North West End Rating: ★★★★