Justin Moorhouse is a name that most will associate with northern humour, his sets are filled with witty titbits and situations which northerners are strangely accustomed too, it’s no surprise then that his latest tour is titled; Northern Joker and to use those famous words from Ronseal; It does exactly what it says on the tin!

Moorhouse has crafted yet another show which is full of big laughs and similes that everyone can relate too with a delivery which comes across effortlessly which could only come from a pro.

The man is naturally funny and has a rare talent in turning the ordinary into comedy that hits a wide demographic and translates to laughs all round.

Moorhouse is predominately a storyteller and delivers reminiscent insights into his early life with stories about family holidays and the palaver that went into them including working on a military clock and early rises, these stories are all very relatable and the audience hang onto his every word as you would a friend in the pub. He delves from young memories to present day issues like being a parent with adult kids and how the relationships with your kids change and his ability to adapt to this. It’s genuinely interesting.

But at the root of the whole show; you see a truly seasoned professional at work, this is a comic which knows how to get an audience on board and how to deliver a genuinely funny evening of comedy for everyone in the room.

He touches on politics and Brexit but in a fashion that you would if you were in the pub with your friends, it’s never too deep, always light and for most of it, always funny.

My highlight of the set was an accurate account of the modern family holiday and the situation at a restaurant ordering food, it delivers one of the biggest laughs of the night through its stellar delivery.

Northern Joker is a humorous insight into Justin Moorhouse’s upbringing and the perceived northern culture.

Verdict: A Northern powerhouse of Comedy for sure!

Reviewer: Max Eden

Reviewed: 18th January 2019

North West End Rating: ★★★★
